Welcome to the newest of Broheim. Below you will find original and fan made material all things Warhammer Quest 95', alongside files to print your own cards and board pieces.
Card Backings
These card backings should be applied to their correpsonding facings. Be sure to stay consistent with your card backings when printing!
Dungeon | Event | Spell | Treasure | Objective Room Treasure | Dark SecretCore Set
All cards from the original base game.
All cards from Treasure Pack One, released by GW.
All cards from Treasure Pack One, released by GW.
All cards from Treasure Pack One, released by GW.
Complete set of Spell Cards from the Roleplay Book. Creator unknown.
Created by Spiny. Cards representing the Roleplay Events table from the Roleplaying Book with some great themed artwork.
Bestiary Cards
Reformatted by Spiny. Colour coded to easily create themed decks!
Lair of the Orc Lord
All cards from the Lair of the Orc Lord expansion.
Catacombs of Terror
All cards from the Catacombs of Terror expansion.
Hall of the Hag Queen Being Re-Worked
Created by Littlemonk. Card set from his homebrewed, Dark Elf themed expansion.
White Dwarf
Scans of the original White Dwarf cards, most of which have been updated by Littlemonk.
Card Tiles
Original card tiles. Some have been rescanned since they were cut off on the original scan.
Original Tiles // Pits & TrapsHD Rescans