
Adepted and updated Master Scenario list from the Mordheimer, with tons of additions! A will indicate which Scenarios have accessible PDF's!

- Mordheim Rulebook

• Defend The Find, by the Mordheim Development Team
Often a warband finds a building with a hoard of wyrdstone or other treasure inside, only to be challenged by a rival warband. This usually leads to conflict as it is unlikely that either side will be willing to give up the wealth easily.
• Skirmish, by the Mordheim Development Team
In the vastness of the Mordheim ruins there is always the risk of running into a rival warband. While two groups sometimes pass each other without a fight, more often than not there is a vicious battle amongst the ruins. If a warband can drive their rivals away, they will have a larger area in which to search for wyrdstone.
• Wyrdstone Hunt, by the Mordheim Development Team
Scattered in the ruins of Mordheim are innumerable tiny shards of priceless wyrdstone. It often happens that two warbands come upon the same area and only a battle can determine who will pick the spoils.
• Breakthrough, by the Mordheim Development Team
When news of a huge deposit of wyrdstone starts circulating, warbands will mount expeditions to unearth the wealth. However, their rivals often try to block them, eager to claim all the wyrdstone for themselves.
• Street Fight, by the Mordheim Development Team
Often two warbands will come face to face with each other in the narrow streets of Mordheim. Sometimes they pass each other without incident but more often the meeting ends in bloodshed.
• Chance Encounter, by the Mordheim Development Team
Both warbands have completed their daily search of the ruins and are on their way back to their encampment when they run into each other. Neither side was expecting a fight, and the warband that reacts the quickest has the advantage.
• Hidden Treasure, by the Mordheim Development Team
There is a rumour that one of the ruined buildings has a concealed cellar with a treasure chest hidden in it. Two rival warbands have heard about the cellar and are now searching the area. Who knows what they will find?
• Occupy, by the Mordheim Development Team
This scenario takes place in a part of Mordheim where the buildings are bursting with shards of wyrdstone and other wealth. Taking and holding these buildings means that your warband gains rich pickings. Unfortunately, your opponent has the same idea.
• Surprise Attack, the by Mordheim Development Team
One warband is out searching the ruins of Mordheim for loot when it is attacked by an enemy warband. The defenders are spread thinly and must muster a defence quickly to drive off their attackers.

- Archive Pestilens

• Ambush, by Andrew "Boss Orc"
Defender in centre, attacker everywhere else.
• Ambush, by Michael Reuvers
Similar to Street Fight but Heroes are carrying Wyrdstone shards at beginning of game.
• Breakthrough, by Andrew "Boss Orc"
Warbands must get half their models off opposite edge.
• Defend The Village!, by Mark "Rinku" Dewis
The Magnificent Seven without the cowboy hats.
• Don't Wake The Giant, by David Gitchel
Two warbands fight for the giant's goodies while trying not to wake him.
• Grudge Match, by Mark "Rinku" Dewis & Archeonicus
Honorable duel between two rival heroes, watched by their warbands and with a serious chance of crowd trouble breaking out.
• The Battle At Koleshire Keep, by Baby Cindi
Skirmish over a keep.
• Raid, by Andrew "Boss Orc"
Attack on warband's camp. Defender in centre, attacker on edges.
• Raids, by Christian Ellegaard
Bad warband vs. townsfolk; Raid a village for loot & slaves.
• Rawhide, by Paul Smith
Get a wagon train across the board using wagon rules from Wyrdstone Archive while your opponent tries to stop you.
• Rescue, by Andrew "Boss Orc"
Rescue captive warrior. Defender in centre, attacker on edges.
• Romero's Pride, by Paul Smith, Lex & Donato
A variation on the random zombie invasion theme.
• The Caravan, by Anonymous
Guard or plunder a caravan of gold before it gets to the other side. (note: we played this four times and found it very hard for the defending player. We opted to make the merchant T4, give him a shield, play the "lucky bastard" and "stop token" variants and rule that the defenders will not fail a rout test except voluntarily.)
• The Restless Dead, by Tom Webster-Deakin
Random zombies invade the table, attacking both players.
• The Wizard's Tower, by Christian Ellegaard
Getting a treasure chest off table with random curses striking defenders.

- Brahm's Book

• Bar Room Brawl, by Tom Bell
Warbands partake in a bar-room brawl with each other. Fun rules for missiles, impromptu weapons, etc. Less lethal than most scenarios too.
• The Undead Garden, by Tom Bell
Warbands fight each other amid random zombies and the odd vampire.
• Treasure Grab, by Chris Van Tigem
Warbands must try to recover ten treasure chests. Unfortunately for all concerned, the chests have been booby-trapped and may explode when picked up.

- CHP-World

• Earthquake, by Morten Hvid Andersen
Multiplayer scenario (although it would work perfectly well for just two players). A recent tremor has unearthed three noteworthy items that are scattered around the board. Each item might be good or bad, depending upon a dice roll made at the time it's found. Winner is player who locates the most items.
• Rumours, by Morten Hvid Andersen
Similar to Hidden Treasure but chest is hidden in large central building. Models within this building & not in HTH will find chest by rolling 12 on 2D6, adding +1 for every turn they have searched. Includes variations on the chest's contents. Two-player or Multi-player.

- Fanatic Magazine 01

• Upon The Eerie Downs, by Nick Kyme
Skirmish. Battle is fought on open terrain. Fog causes reduced visibility hence reduced shooting, magic, charging, etc. Fog also means models may become lost resulting In random movement & All Alone tests.
• Battle For The Farm, by Nick Kyme
Warbands fight over a farm. Warriors must try to enter & loot buildings defended by the farmer & his farm-hands. Warriors are armed with torches and may try to set light to the buildings if they’re feeling mean.

- Fanatic Magazine 03

• Blood On The Pasturelands, by Nick Kyme
Rival warbands attempt to rustle some horses from a pasture. The frightened horses run randomly and need taming once caught. They are defended by six Outriders.
• Through Black Fire Pass, by Nick Kyme
One warband ambushes another as they make their way along the treacherous trade route. The noise of the battle may result In a rock fall or it may attract the attention of a nearby Orc encampment, or even attract an angry troll.

- Fanatic Magazine 04

• Brigands In The Pasturelands, by Nick Kyme
One warband attempts to hunt down the other, a lawless band of brigands hiding out In the forest. Both warbands are accompanied by three or four like-minded Hired Swords. The attackers start on or near a road through the forest. The defenders start anyway more than 10” away amid the trees. Includes rules to reflect the defenders’ home advantage.
• The Watchtower, by Nick Kyme
Half of the defending warband starts on or near a well-defended central tower (with special rules to reflect this). The attackers have special rules for trying to sneak up on them. If the defenders spot the attackers they may try to light a beacon on the tower In order to summon the rest of their warband. Naturally the attackers will try to prevent them from lighting the beacon.

- Fanatic Magazine 06

• Wolf Hunt!, by Nick Kyme
Both warbands have been offered a reward to kill a pack of troublesome wolves. Neither is keen to share the bounty and so will attack each other while also attempting to dispatch the wolves and, possibly, a random bear. Unless of course they decide to co-operate. Both warbands are accompanied by the big-hearted Kislev Warrior Hired Sword, also featured in the magazine.

- Fanatic Magazine 07

• Protect Hornsby's Ferry, by Mark Havener
Defenders must protect a boat & pull-rope style river ferry-crossing from sabotage. Attackers must sabotage it. Defenders must also protect ferry operators from harm. Attackers must harm ferry operators. Features a river and, naturally, a ferry-crossing.
• Stop, Thief!, by Mark Havener
Defenders must protect Halfling Thief HS (featured In this issue) from attacking warband. Thief has stolen defenders’ single most expensive item and may use it. Defenders start randomly scattered around centre of table, Attackers as normal. Last to rout wins although a house-rule about killing the Thief would seem sensible given the scenario. Features possibly the only use of the word “bugger” in any Mordheim publication.

- Fanatic Magazine 09

• Hunt The Heretic, by Nick Kyme
Four members of the defenders’ warband attempt to protect a tooled-up Warlock HS from the attackers plus an accompanying Witch Hunter Captain. The defenders must roll for reinforcements as the game progresses. Due to their position of defending a central tower, the defenders’ rout threshold is 50%. Last to rout wins. If the Warlock goes Out Of Action, the attackers win. If the Witch Hunter goes Out Of Action, the attackers must take an immediate additional rout test.
• River Watch, by Nick Kyme
Attackers at the south side must smuggle some loot across a east-west flowing river at night and get 25% opf their band off the north edge. The river has only one bridge. Defenders movement is restricted until they spot their enemy. A small keep has special rules regarding spotting the attackers and for the defenders’ rout test, which now has a 50% rout threshold.

- Khemri, Land Of The Dead

• Blood Shrine, by Sam Sedghi
For 2-4 players. Player with most warriors standing within 4" of a central shrine after six turns wins.
• Dark Ritual, by Sam Sedghi
All warbands must stop the evil NPC necromancer from sacrificing his victim within three turns and then guide the victim to safety.
• Defend The Oasis, by Steven “Grafix” Gibbs
Attackers must get more men within 6" of a well than the defenders. Defenders must cause a rout test.
• Defend The Tomb, by Steven “Grafix” Gibbs
Defenders must carry a chest from the centre of a tomb complex and out of the only entrance. Attackers must obtain the chest and remove it themselves.
• Sandstorm, by Steven “Grafix” Gibbs
Poor visibility. Warriors initially represented by numbered tokens (plus D3 decoy tokens) to disguise their identities. Also D3 "mirages" spread across the board. Investigate each mirage to discover a vengeful spirit, a treasure item or a lovely moist oasis.
• Tomb Raid, by Steven “Grafix” Gibbs
As Defend The Tomb except the chest begins in the middle of the complex while both warbands begin at the edges.

- Mortheim Nort

• Ambush Assassinaire, by Christian Ellegaard
This is a modified, but heavily based version of Christian’s “The Ambush” from his “Welcome To Mordheim” campaign. I’ve written a fairly detailed description here as the text is somewhat confusing. It may be just as well to check out Christian Ellegaard’s original version on Archive Pestilens. The attackers are placed within 2” of any table edge except for the gate edge. Defenders are split into 3 groups, (i) two “Marksmen” (or best equivalent) placed within 2” of a table edge containing an exit gate, (ii) two “Swordsmen” (or best equivalent) placed at the centre of the table, (iii) the remainder placed wherever the player chooses. All defenders must be placed at least 8” from the defenders. The warband leader must be placed at least 16” away from the Marksmen & Swordsmen. The Marksmen & Swordsmen groups are each allocated a sub-leader, both of whom are placed 2” from the warband leader. All defenders must be placed at least 8” from the attackers. The Marksmen & Swordsmen are then scattered D6”. The Marksmen & Swordsmen must rally or flee directly away from the nearest enemy, as per All Alone tests. This continues until they pass a Ld test. Once within 2” of their appointed sub-leader they automatically rally. Defenders win by getting the Marksmen, Swordsmen & respective sub-leaders within 6” of the warband leader. Attackers win by killing the Marksmen & Swordsmen, or having them flee from the board. Phew.
• Escape Through The Floods, by Christian Ellegaard
Attackers must get more men within 6" of a well than the defenders. Defenders must cause a rout test.
• The Vultures Fly High, by Zolli
Defenders must carry a chest from the centre of a tomb complex and out of the only entrance. Attackers must obtain the chest and remove it themselves.

- Pancreas Boy's Wyrdstone Shards

Many of Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks’s scenarios have the standard “last to rout” objective. With a little thought the objective can easily be modified to reflect the scenario.
• Acid Rain, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands fight under a hail of acid rain. Each turn a random warrior loses a piece of weaponry or armor.
• Catch Me If You Can, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands chase the Executioner’s Hood as it blows around randomly, including up and down.
• Decompose, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands must fight amid a scene of prior carnage. Due to corpses etc, all shooting and psychology rolls are at –1.
• Doppelganger, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Fully laden treasure chest is guarded by a Doppelganger which assumes the nearest attacker’s stats. The alarmed attacker must pass an Ld test in order to attack.
• Downpour, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Heavy rain limits vision to 12”. One in six chance of slipping when running.
• Dry Heat, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Due to dehydration, all warriors have 1 in 6 chance of going Knocked Down on their turn. If they can get to a central well they can remove this effect although they may also find some Wyrdstone or disturb a random zombie.
• Fist Fight, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Two warbands camp close together. In the night all their equipment is stolen. Warbands fight each other, initially with no equipment. Each warrior may search through buildings to find their own equipment in a similar process to Hidden Treasure.
• Gargoyle Gamble, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
“Wyrdstone Hunt” except that the players can choose to feed their newly found wyrdstone shards to a gargoyle in an attempt to win his services.
• Gas, Gas, Gas, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
All long-range missiles at –2. Small random explosions keep the warriors on their toes.
• Gauntlet Run, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warriors must make their way to central area where four trap-laden passages await. Warriors must then negotiate random traps (boulders, scythes, etc) to gain prize from a clearly eccentric old warband chief.
• I Dream Of..., by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Peasant boy has possession of a magic lamp. Warbands must take out peasant & his protective genie in order to gain the lamp. The genie will then bestow one randomly determined blessing per turn upon a warband member.
• Jumunji, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
As Hidden Treasure except that if the chest is dropped a random animal will appear, attacking the warbands.
• Ladder Chase, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands must retrieve artifact from top of ziggurat by utilizing three ladders that each warband carries (the walls are too slimy to climb unaided). Ladders may be moved, stolen, etc.
• Locksmith, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands attempt to open a safe housed within derelict bank. Players must get key-holder to safe and brave potential traps, guard-dogs, etc.
• Lord Of The Slings, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
A magical artifact, the One True Sling, is spotted in the middle of a wide, shallow stretch of the River Stir. Warbands must fight to gain it. Movement through the river is Difficult. The sling makes the wielder invisible.
• Mortality, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands fight each other while their leaders gradually lose points of Toughness due to a curse. Spending a full turn next to a central well will banish the curse.
• Multiply, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Standard battle but with D6 random spawn creatures (stats as Squigs) appearing each turn. Last to rout wins.
• Pesky Portals, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
The board contains D3+2 magical portals. Passing through a portal may or may not lead to the model being transported to another randomly determined portal. Players must attempt to teleport to a portal in a small room as this room contains a wondrous treasure chest.
• Rabies, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands fight over 2-4 Wyrdstone shards amid 2-4 rabid dogs. Anyone bitten temporarily contract rabies, making them attack the nearest warrior whether friend or foe.
• Sacred Tree, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Defenders must chop down a tree while the Attackers try to stop them.
• The Day After, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
One randomly chosen hero is drunk. He is wandering the streets at random. His friends must try to grab him and lead him to safety. His foes will try to make him pay for being so foolish.
• The Earth Trembles, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
A bonkers Warlock is causing random crevasses to appear in the ground from his lofty tower. Warbands must kill the Warlock while dodging the rapidly appearing chasms.
• The General's Daughter, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
The general’s daughter is chained to a post in the middle of the board and defended by 2 Minotaurs. Warbands, approaching from the same edge, will not fight each other until the chains have been shattered.
• Time Warp, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Time goes backwards causing already wounded warriors to recover. Each warband starts with 3 warriors standing. The remainder has a concealed counter placed on the board to represent an anonymous dying warrior. As the standing warriors reach the counters they turn them over to discover whether they’re friend or foe. Either way, the once-dying warrior is now fully recovered. All spells are at +2 to cast due to the general weirdness.
• Tomb Raider, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands must attempt to swim to island, fight off venomous snakes and escape with a precious item.
• Unawares, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Two warbands unwittingly camp very close to each other. Both warbands begin asleep (i.e. Knocked Down) except for their lookouts. The lookout must try to gain Line Of Sight (LOS) to their enemy in order to raise alarm.
• Warpstone Gluttony, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
A mutant, complete with a random mutation, holds 4-7 shards of Wyrdstone. Every turn he will eat a shard to gain an extra mutation.
• What A Find!, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Defenders must carry huge chunk of Wyrdstone (carried as a standard chest) from one side of the board to the other. All except 3 of the attackers are initially confined to 8” x 8” area on the escape side of the board. The remaining 3 members are scouts. First they must gain LOS to the Wyrdstone chunk while within 24” of it. Then they must relay this information by gaining LOS to their Leader while within 8” of him. Only then can the remainder of the warband cover the whole of the board.
• What's Yours Is Mine, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
Warbands begin in separate buildings. They must capture enemy’s building while still holding their own.
• Winter Cometh, by Ross "Pancreas Boy" Franks
The board has become a winter wonderland. All outdoor areas are Difficult Ground and the snow counts as cover.

- Rynn Tyrr

• Burn The Witch!, by Grant "Blasphemous Heathen" Garvin
Mostly flavoring for a campaign but also includes a burn/rescue the witch variant.
• Mordheim's Burning, by Rowan Coupland
Multiplayer. Reduced routing and a nasty Serious Injury chart make for a lot of dead warriors. Huge haul of gold + experience for the winners. Designed as end-of-campaign scenario.
• The Bridge, by Rowan Coupland
Attackers try to cross the bridge. Slowly arriving defenders try to stop them by destroying the bridge or by removing the attackers' limbs.

- Specialist Game's Fanatic Online

• Night Of The Dead, by Andy Tabor
Warband members must venture to the centre of the board, grab a Wyrdstone shard and escape from the table. However, from each warband only one randomly-determined Hero and Henchman group may be on the table at any time. Each time a shard is picked up a number of random zombies attack the warriors. Continues until only one warband has any warriors still alive.

- Karak Azgal

• Dragonslayer, by the Karak Azgal Development Team
Karak Azgal scenario. Similar to Don't Wake the Giant but with a Dragon and different rules for waking him.
• Forgotten Honor, by the Karak Azgal Development Team
Dwarven burial grounds are sacred to the Dwarves for the noble dwarves who hath fallen in battle rest here. It is a great woe to the Dwarves if the burial ground is disturbed by intruders and will fight to the death to defend their ancestors.
• Hunters Or Hunted, by the Karak Azgal Development Team
One warband has been shadowing the other for some time. The hunters have now split off some of their band to surround and ambush their prey. The hunted however, are aware of their hunters and are themselves planning a trap. On reaching a large hall they too have sent out flanking forces and make ready to turn the tables. It remains to be seen who are truly the hunters and who the hunted, in the dark of Karak Azgal’s corridors anything could happen.
• The Engineers Workshop, by the Karak Azgal Development Team
The Dwarf Engineer’s Guild is a remarkably conservative group. Despite such novelties as the Flame Cannon and the Gyrocopter, the elders frown on new developments and innovations. For this reason, many engineers choose to work alone and in secret. This must have been the abode of a Master Engineer. The workshop, offices and storerooms have been sealed with strong runes and have survived almost intact.
• Unlocking The Tomb, by the Karak Azgal Development Team
The location of the Tomb of Tarrik IronHead has indeed been found. However the door is locked. It’s a race to find the key and raid the tomb.
• Within The Darkness, by the Karak Azgal Development Team
Karak Azgal long fell to the darkness. Yet you can still hear the echoes and screams of those that perished. The are are still whispers within the ruined halls of this ancient kingdom. I carry this burden, the knowledge of these dark caverns. What was once all is now but a memory. A burden that I carry till I pass away.

- The Fanatic Online Archives

• Happy Harpy Hunting Grounds, by Chris Van Tigem | Alternate PDF
Three-player scenario. One player runs a band of three Harpies who are guarding their treasure-filled nest. The other two must kill all three Harpies to gain their treasure. Last to rout wins, although the Harpies will not rout and so must be defeated. Features the only recorded use of the word “sod” in an official Mordheim publication.
• Round-Up At The Mordheim Corral, by Andy Tabor
Two to four wild boars have eaten a merchant’s Wyrdstone. Warbands must kill randomly moving and aggressive boars to recover it. Optional suggestion of using mutations. Really good fun.
• The Recipe, by Mark Havener
Warbands must attempt to abduct an esteemed pie-maker who is being stoutly defended by his ballistically adept bodyguard. There are also plenty of pies to be purloined as long as the warriors don’t drop them first. Last to rout wins as long as the pie-man has been taken Out Of Action first.

- The Mordheimer's Information Centre

• Ambush!, by Archeonicus
Sort of cross between “Surprise Attack” and “Wyrdstone Hunt”. Defenders must roll 4+ to have each warrior present. These poor souls are set up in central building. Two Heroes are carrying some Wyrdstone, which they must carry from table to win. The Attackers will try to stop them.
• Beware The Plague, by Archeonicus
Re-enactment of an historical Mousillon battle between The Disciples Of Mildred & Clan Pestilens.
• Not Enough Room..., by Archeonicus
Another Mousillon re-enactment. Variant of “Defend The Find”. Instead of a central building we have a treasure chest which warbands must try to get within 4” of Cosy.
• Safety On The Other Side, by Archeonicus
More Mousillon fun, this time in the fog. Attackers must get halfway across the river, which lies at other side of the board from them. They can cross the bridge or they can wade through the river. If the latter, there is a chance they will lose their footing and drown.
• Sigmar Had No Sisters!, by The Mordheimer
Sisters of Sigmar vs. Witch Hunters. Nice background to battle. Each warband has some additional models in the form of sundry Mordheim refugees. A minor Daemon (run by a third player) adds some spice by joining in the battle while causing random mutations and corrupting the refugees.
• The Battle For The Wharf, by Archeonicus
Mousillon schmousillon. Skirmish, except that much of the board is underwater. If a warrior ventures into the water there is a chance he will lose his footing and drown.
• The Bridal Run, by Archeonicus
A wagon train is taking a warrior to his wedding. Embittered Attackers are trying to stop them. The wagons will relentlessly continue to their objective, the other side of the board. The Attackers will set upon the warband, their wagons and even the horses in an attempt to stop them.
• The Damned Duke's Hoard, by Andy 'Da Bank' Tabor
Warbands vie for a dead Duke’s opulent treasure while the previous owner and his spooky entourage try to discourage them. Includes the welcome return of the random zombies.
• The Great Robbery, by The Mordheimer
Defenders must escort a treasure chest to a ship and then sail the ship from the table. The ship doesn’t appear on the river until turn three. Attackers must try to prevent them and steal off with the chest themselves.
• The Marsh Is Alive, by Archeonicus
Identical to Beware The Plague but Disciples Of Mildred replaced with Knights Errant.
• To The Rescue!, by Archeonicus
Rules for warbands rescuing a captured comrade or their stolen belongings. Includes sneaky Attackers avoiding detection by the Defenders and the captive being able to free himself and make a dash for it.
• Trick Or Treat!, by The Mordheimer
Variation on Night Of The Dead, including fog, random happenings and mutations. Winner is determined by a points-scoring system.

- Nemesis Crown

• Nightfall, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
Deep within the Great Forest dangerous creatures prowl after dark. Each human settlement protects itself by erecting a stout wall around its perimeter, the gates of which are locked shut at night. It may happen that a warband becomes delayed until after nightfall. Should this happen, the only way for them to access the sanctuary of the village is by scaling the wall. Other more sinister bands may attempt to climb the walls in order to loot and pillage the village while it sleeps.
• Enter The Necromancers Tower, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
The warbands figure that there must be some easy pickings to be had while the wizard is away. What they don’t know is that he has set a number of guards and wards to protect his lair.
• The Warmachine, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
The warbands have heared rumours of this mighty warmachine and are putting into action plans to salvage it. It would no doubt be useful for their kinsmen in the Nemesis War.
• The Lost Mines Of Khrazi Drudd, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
There are many miles of abandoned mines beneath the Great Forest. In particular, the region known as the Howling Heights contains many derelict shafts now depleted of their precious ores and abandoned by the Dwarfs. In their stead have moved many creatures of the dark, making these perilous places indeed. But there is still much treasure to be found within for those warbands either brave, greedy or unwise enough to seek it.
• Last Orders!, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
The inn is known locally as a particularly seedy establishment (which is really saying something in a haven of scoundrels like the Rauberthal!), but one that puts a premium on security. Between the Ogre bouncers and the confiscation of your weapons, you don’t expect much trouble here. Of course, that drunken Halfling at the end of the bar seems to be looking for trouble…
• The Flood Plain, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
Much flotsam and jetsam has washed up on these islands - perhaps the last remains of a cargo from a now-sunken freight barge, long ago ambushed by the bandits that dwell in the forest.
• The Shifting Paths, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
The paths deep within the Great Forest are said by the locals to never lead the same way twice, as though the forest itself is trying to entrap intruders within its realm.
• Fowl Play, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
Warbands attempted to recover or intercept carrier pigeons.
• The Wild Wood, by the Nemesis Crown Development Team
Deep within the depths of the Great Forest lurk fey enchanted creatures who do not welcome intruders.

- The Warp

• Artifact Hunt, by Sheldon mcCarthy
Straight forward artifact hunting scenario with some additional rules!
• Chaos In The Fishpond, by Christian Ellegaard
While peacefully enjoying a nice bit of relaxation at one of Mordheim’s famous fishponds, the defenders are set upon by the attackers. Defenders only have their rods for weapons (although they do have the Reach rule!). Includes rules for falling in the Wyrdstone-affected pond and rules for the eldritch Fish Magic which affects the area. As the author says, “Of all weird places in Mordheim, fishponds are amongst the weirdest”. Quite.
• Vampire Hunters, by Christian Ellegaard
Warbands attempt to slay a nasty old Vampire and gain his hoard by completing a series of objectives; 1. Find the Vampire’s coffin – similar to Treasure Hunt, 2. Slay the Vampire; 3. Carry his treasure chest back to your table edge. During the battle random minor Vampires will appear on the board. There are no rout tests. Lots of nice fluff & some new magic items.

- Mordheim Town Cryers

Town Cryer 05

• Ambush!, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Wyrdstone carrying defenders have to get off the table alive.
• Lost Prince, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Rescue wandering prince (also works perfectly well for two players).
• Monster Hunt, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Warbands team up (or not) to take on a monster.
• The Pool, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Root around for Wyrdstone in a pool in the centre of the table.
• Treasure Hunt, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Similar to Wyrdstone Hunt.
• Street Brawl, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Similar to Skirmish.
• Wizard's Mansion, by Mark Havener
Multiplayer. Similar to Skirmish with items at stake.

Town Cryer 06

• Kidnapped, by Tuomas Pirinen
Possessed vs. any warband. Rescue a fair maiden before she gets sacrificed or sacrifice a fair maiden before she gets rescued, depending on your mood.

Town Cryer 07

• Rat Attack, by Christian Ellegaard
Skaven vs. any warband. Sewers. Defender must escape from opposite table edge. Skaven uses a mixture of decoy counters and warband counters to confuse the enemy.
• Scourge & Purge, by Donato Ranzato
Witch Hunters vs. any warband. Skirmish in the company of a possessed wizard.
• Surrounded, by Christian Ellegaard
Sewers. Defender must escape from centre of sewer network.

Town Cryer 08

• Forbidden Square, by Christian Ellegaard
Possessed (+allies) vs. Witch Hunters (+allies), Get D6+2 scattered wyrdstone off the table during the battle.
• Stake Out, by Gavin Thorpe
Sneaky attackers must kill the leader of the startled defenders. Defenders' leader must escape from table. A word of warning, if you’re using Dwarfs give them the Relentless (i.e. can run within 8” of enemy) rule or the scenario won’t work.

Town Cryer 09

• The Lair Of The Snake, by Christian Ellegaard
Four player scenario. Each player must take out his randomly specified enemy.
• The Script Of Sigmar, by Paul Smith
Witch Hunters vs. Sisters of Sigmar. Two linked scenarios involving burgling the Sisters' Abbey. First get across the River Stir and up to the gates without raising the alarm, then find & make off with the goodies.

Town Cryer 10

• That's All Mine, by Paul Smith
Attackers blow up a mine using gunpowder rules from Archive Pestilens (shamefully not described in the magazine) amid some random zombie shenanigans.

Town Cryer 11

• The Caravan, by Honza Skypala & Stepan Stepanov
Escort or rob a merchant's caravan train.

Town Cryer 12

• Island Hopping, by the Lustria Development Team
Islands in a fast flowing river connected by bridges. Control as many as possible.
• Secrets Of The Beujuntae, by the Lustria Development Team
Wyrdstone Hunt while a Daemon spirit flits around possessing random Heroes.
• The Fog Of War, by the Lustria Development Team
Light fog affecting movement and missile range.
• The Night Of The Headless One, by Kevin J Coleman
Hidden Treasure except warbands look for skull of the Headless One while its awesome original owner creates carnage.

Town Cryer 13

• Hunters Become The Hunted, by the Lustria Development Team
Similar to Surprise Attack.
• Lost Temple Of The Slann, by the Lustria Development Team
Similar to Wizard's Mansion.
• The Sword Of The Herald, by Jeff Hogg
Multiplayer scenario involving a mean sword, huge chunks of Wyrdstone & those ever-popular random zombies.

Town Cryer 14

• Finders Keepers, by Roger Latham
Run the length of the table, grab the Wyrdstone & run back again while trying not to die. Designed for mounted warriors but doesn't have to be.
• Mule Train, by Robert Walker
The good guys try to lead the mule train along a country road while the bad guys try to steal them. To add to the fun, the mules suffer from Stubbornness when being led, wander randomly when not being watched and bolt when near combat. Nightmare!

Town Cryer 15

• Death In The Mists, by Nicodemus Kyme
Visibility reduced to 2D6". Warriors might get lost.
• Gift Of The Truthsayers, by Nicodemus Kyme
Scrap over a magic item with random boggy happenings.
• The Ogham Stones, by Nicodemus Kyme
Enhance powers for spell-casters with Truthsayers & Dark Emissaries tagging along for good measure.
• The Mummy, by Rob Houdek
Hidden Treasure except warbands look for the stash of a mummy while its scary original owner plus friends have their say.

Town Cryer 18

• Cry Of The Banshee, by Michael Reuvers
Serious treasure guarded by equally serious Banshee.

Town Cryer 19

• A Night In The Graveyard, by Jason "Teacher Guy" Kahler
Warbands compete to plunder a dead man's grave while his restless spirit attempts to stop them. The spooky graveyard setting results in Fear tests every turn and, you've guessed it, random zombies doing their shuffle-thing.
• Bar Room Brawl, by Jason "Teacher Guy" Kahler
A bar room brawl. Players start with 3 warriors in bar with more arriving during battle. Special rules for using furniture as cover, for using beer bottles as weapons and for taking on the Landlord of the establishment.
• Defend The Oasis, by the Khemri Development Team
Your warband has found an oasis to camp at. These finds are essential to the warriors’ survival. As you are taking a break you are set upon by another band that wish to steal your cache of water.
• Tomb Raid, by the Khemri Development Team
The warbands have heard rumours of a tomb in the area with treasure. Each warband is trying to find it first and make it back out of the tomb alive.
• Protect The Prince, by the Khemri Development Team
Escort a cowardly prince across the desert while a rival warband tries to kill him.

Town Cryer 20

• Burn The Witches, by Nicodemus Kyme
Set in a huge temple which burns to the ground during the battle. Defender's Heroes must carry three relics from the temple. Attackers must stop them.
• One Man's Rescue Is Another Man's Kidnap, by the Khemri Development Team
A prisoner is being guarded within one of several tents. The attacker must find the prisoner by entering the correct tent and then escort him from the table. The defender must stop him.

Town Cryer 21

• The Gauntlet, by Erik Johnson
Classic Indiana Jones stuff. Warbands race along trap-laden corridors towards a great treasure. For 2+ warbands.

Town Cryer 22

• Assault On The Rock, by Grayson Gaudreault
Warbands infiltrate the Sisters’ rock and attempt to steal a magical tome. Warbands must search through buildings/rooms to find the tome. Meanwhile, a growing number of random nuns (well it makes a change from zombies) – controlled by a referee – attempt to repel the invaders. For 2-4 warbands plus the referee.
• In The Dead Of The Night, by Space McQuirk & Chris Blair
Set in Mordheim’s Cemetery of Saint Voller. Graveyard battle with Undead warband, half is which is unavailable, as the defenders. Each turn more zombies join the Undead band. Necromancer must complete ritual by chanting alongside altar for 10 turns. Attacker must take Necromancer Out Of Action. A tough scenario for the Undead player. Handy if you know of a powerful Undead warband that needs knocking back down to size though.

Town Cryer 23

• A Stroll In The Garden, by Anonymous
Skirmish set in Mordheim’s Steinhardt Memorial Gardens. Warriors within 2” of a tree or bush receive hits from the chaos-wracked foliage.
• The Bodyguards, by Kurtis Burdau
Town Cryer edit of "Now Keep Me Safe, You Hear!?" (see entry 165). Unfortunately they seem to have missed the point of the original (one scenario, three different objectives - unique) & have instead turned it into another version of “The Lost Prince” (see entry 104). Play the original version – it’s more fun.

Town Cryer 25

• Blood Hunt, by Mark Havener, et al.
Clashing warbands gain the help of a Dramatis Personae, most likely Johann The Knife & Marriana Chevaux, free of charge. Take out the opponent’s Dramatis Personae to win. Cynics might suggest that the objective of this scenario is for Games Workshop to shift a few more Dramatis Personae miniatures... but not me, no sir.
• Bounty Hunting, by Mark Havener, et al.
An Empire In Flames scenario. Warbands attempt to round up a gang of bandits who are holed up in a remote hideout building. Plays like “Skirmish” except for the D6 crossbow bolts which come whizzing out each turn at the warriors closest to the building.
• Down At The Docks, by Mark Havener, et al.
Either a two player scenario where warbands must attempt to gain cargo crates from smugglers’ ship by carrying them off or by forcing other warband & smugglers to rout; or a a multiplayer scenario where the defending warband, along with assisting smugglers, must see off other warbands who are attempting to steal cargo.
• Lost In The Bogs, by Mark Havener, et al.
An Empire In Flames scenario. Highest rated warband is lost & must be deployed spread out. What's more, at least ½ the terrain is marshy ground (1/2 movement) or bog (1/4 movement).
• Stagecoash Ambush, by Mark Havener, et al.
An Empire In Flames scenario. Defenders on horseback must protect a stagecoach from mounted attackers. Roadwarden & highwayman Hired Swords may be hired at ½ price. Lots of special horsy rules.
• The Item Lost, by Mark Havener, et al.
Nicodemus joins one warband (presumably a warband far weaker than the others) in an attempt to retrieve a magic wand. Naturally the other warbands would like the wand for themselves. Much bloodshed ensues.
• The Thing In The Woods, by Mark Havener, et al.
An Empire In Flames scenario. At least ½ the terrain is spooky fear-inducing woods. For each warband there is one Thing in the Woods (no details until TC28 but is presumably pretty scary) which will move randomly until within charge range then charge nearest model. Last to rout wins.

Town Cryer 26

• Gathering Of The Horde, by Nicodemus Kyme
Massive multi-warband gang fight based upon the “Gangs Of New York” film, complete with special rules for horde fighting. Recommended for 3-6 warbands per side. Could work as a massive end-of-campaign scenario (e.g. all the good warbands vs. all the chaos warbands) or as a one-off.
• The Watchers, by Anonymous
Warbands attempt to gather random treasures from the SE quarter of Mordheim (right next to where the comet landed). However every time they pick up the goodies, the tormented spirit of an entombed wizard attempts to cast a random spell on the warrior.

Town Cryer 27

• The Frenzied Mob, by Anonymous
An Empire In Flames scenario. Warbands attempt to loot a village consisting of D3+1 buildings. Each building is staunchly defended by D3+1 frenzied villagers.

Town Cryer 28

• Encampment Raid, by Anonymous
Attackers attempt to take the defenders’ camp. Plays as Defend The Find except the defenders have a number of advantages due to being on home turf. Defenders may also purchase further fortifications (e.g. heads on spikes, barricades, etc) to further hamper the attackers. The local watch may turn up to assist the defenders.
• The Rats' Lair, by Aaron Ishmael
Designed for several warbands to ally against a pack of Skaven run by a moderator. The warbands descend into an ingenious multi-leveled underground lair.

- White Dwarf Magazine #247

• Wild Magic, by Mark Havener | Alternate PDF
A sort of random events for magic users. The casting of spells results in unpredictable occurrences either beneficial or otherwise.

- Whomever1's Mordheim Section

• Guard The Dredgers, by Tom Pliska
Two NPCs in a boat, dredging a shallow part of the Stir for Wyrdstone. The defenders must guard the dredgers who are poling their way off the river. The attackers must stop them by storming the boat. If the attackers control either of two bridges, one at either end of the river, then the dredgers won't pass underneath it.

- Wrathweb

• Betrayal, by Wrath
Both warband begin in the centre of the board and with half their warband members. Attacker may automatically bring on his remaining warriors over the next 3-4 turns. Defender may attempt to bring on his remaining warriors at a similar rate but must successfully roll first. Two player.
• Break-In, by Wrath
Warbands attempt to carry a heavy chest from the board. If the chest is not carried off before the battle finishes then the surviving warband does NOT get the chest. Two or multiplayer.
• The Game, by Wrath
Two things going on here; 1. Three wyrdstone shards in each players deployment zone. If a shard is picked up, the warband whose zone it is will automatically rout on their turn. So guard those shards!; 2. A warrior must touch the prickly “Pillar of Pain” for 2 consecutive turns to win the game and gain an artifact. Apparently very difficult to pull off but fun to try. Multiplayer.
• Treachery, by Wrath
Multiplayer. Warbands start with 1-6 random warriors missing. Each player secretly draws a red or black playing card to become part of the black alliance or the red alliance. When warbands are within Initiative distance they may compare colors. If they match they may ally. If they don’t they may not. If an attack is made against another warband of the same color that warband is declared a traitor and may ally with no-one. Ingenious!

- Yahoo! Mordheim Group

• Bug Hunt!, by Paracelsis
Bounty hunt for 2-4 nasty Genestealers which are controlled by a neutral player. The warbands must then carry the Genestealers’ heads from the board to claim their reward.
• Capture The Flag, by Kilgs
Warbands must attempt to capture their opponent’s flag & return it to their own base. Additionally up to 50GC of Out Of Action warriors may be regenerated.
• Life's A Beach, by Ian Davies
An Albion scenario. We'll fight them on the beaches, but watch out for the rapidly rising tide!
• Night Of The Unliving Dead, by American Flagg
Zombies vs. good warband. It's those crazy random zombies again, this time in a wood and besieging an abandoned house.
• "Now Keep Me Safe, You Hear!?", by Kurtis Budau
For three warbands or teams of warbands. One warband/team must protect a cowering merchant, another must carry him alive from the battlefield while a third must sever his head and remove it from the table. If the merchant is killed then racking for the severed head and carrying it from the table becomes the focus of the scenario. Possibly the origins of the sport of Bloodbowl.
• Save The Dead, by Terry Maltman
Undead (or Possessed) vs. human warband. Race to consecrate graves or to reanimate the corpses within.
• The Assassin, by Paracelsis
The Terminator. A bio-mechanoid assassin, controlled by a neutral player, has been sent back in time to kill a young girl. The warbands must first kill the assassin then lead the girl from the board. Nice background fluff.
• The Day Of The Dinosaur, by Jeff Hogg
Multiplayer scenario involving finding & retrieving a Skink artifact while the scaly ones do their best to spoil the fun.
• The Shadow Of The Plague, by Michael Murphy
Recover a plague-containing vial from a Pestilens' subterranean dwelling. Involves random tunnels & patrolling NPC Plague Monks. Based on a Stephen King book.
• The Twisted Tome, by André J. Oord
Models find themselves shrunk and within an arcane library. Heroes must stand unopposed atop a perilous ink-bottle for six turns in order to read an enormous magical book. I kid you not. Handy if you've left your ruined buildings terrain at a mate's house.
• Tug Of War, Ian Davies
Rescuing captive warriors. The captive is handcuffed to an enemy model. As the pair struggle they pull each other around the battlefield.

- Ye Mordheim Legends Gazette

• Assassination, by Bill Strip
Three sneaky Heroes attempt to bump off one of opponent's warband without the defender knowing who is the target. Actually much more balanced than it sounds.
• Discovered Treasure, by Roy Cowan
Models arrive in dribs & drabs and from random sides of the table.
• The Vampire, by Donato Ranzato
Undead vs. any warband; Classic Hammer horror stuff involving a race to get to five virgins before the enemy does. Similar to a Saturday night down the Black Horse really. Features characters called Igor and Buffy!
• Werebeast Hunt, Michael Yungbluth
Warbands hunt down werebeast warband (which is run by moderator/3rd player.)

- Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe

• A Wizard's Fate, by D Puentes
Warriors must navigate their way through randomly teleporting portals in order to access a powerful wizard’s lair. Then they must kill him and escape with his fully laden treasure chest. “Subplots” rules apply. Includes a battle report.
• Hand Of Fate, by Damian Puentes & Andy "DaBank" Tabor
A fully-tooled Vlad & Isabella Von Carstein lead a small undead army (including 60 skeletons!) against, I hope, an alliance of warbands.
• The Living Treasure, by D Puentes
Three treasure chests/warband. Models must pry open chests (S test) to discover whether the chest (i) contains treasure, (ii) is empty, or (iii) attacks the finder (no I’m serious). First to get a chest full of treasure off the board wins.
• Monkey In The Middle, by Wrath
Multiplayer. Each warband has 1,000 gold crowns and starts at the edge of the board except for the “monkey” who has 2,000 gold crowns and starts in the centre. Last man standing wins.
• The Nest, by D Puentes
Warbands must battle some pretty mean giant spiders (one per warband). The spiders must first be found in a manner similar to Hidden Treasure. Includes a battle report.
• The Rescue Of Molto Perduto, by D Puentes
Warbands vie or ally to rescue 7 NPCs from a graveyard in the centre of the board. The graveyard is patrolled by an Undead warband (run by a moderator or alternately by the players). Includes a battle report.
• Round-Up At The Mordheim Corral, by A Tabor
Two to four wild boars have eaten a merchant’s Wyrdstone. Warbands must kill randomly moving and aggressive boars to recover it. Optional suggestion of using mutated boars based on Power In The Stones rules. Really good fun.
• Watery Grave, by David Martin
Heavy rain has caused the river to burst its banks resulting in a raging torrent across the board. The ground level is impassable. Only the upper stories & any interconnecting walkways remain. Any warriors which fall into the water are Out Of Action. In addition visibility is limited to 3D6”. Last to rout wins.