
- Grading System -

  • 1a Official GW/Fanatic Rules
  • 1b Unofficial, but released through GW/Fanatic. Professional quality.
  • 1c Experimental, not released through GW/Fanatic. Approved by people
    who previously submitted grade 1a/1b material and vouch for it's quality.
  • 2a Reliable, created and tested by fans and gaming groups. Will likely
    blend well with grade 1 warbands.
  • 2b Supplemental, also reliable, but are better suited for their specific campaign.
  • 3 Draft, New rules that have been created but not tested properly.

- Key -

  • A02 | Mordheim Annual, 2002
  • ALB | Albion Supplement
  • ATH | Athel Loren Supplement
  • BTB | Border Town Burning Supplement
  • CJ | Citadel Journal
  • EIF | Empire In Flames
  • FAN | Fanatic Magazine
  • FO | Fanatic Online
  • KAZ | Karak Azgal Supplement
  • KEP | Karak Eight Peaks Supplement
  • LOD | Letters of the Damned
  • LUS | Lustria Supplement
  • KHE | Khemri Supplement
  • MFB | Mordheim Facebook Group
  • MHR | Mordheim Rulebook(s)
  • MIC | Mordheimer's Information Centre
  • MOU | Mousillion Supplement
  • MIM | Mutiny In Marienburg Supplement
  • NC | Nemesis Crown Supplement
  • REL | Relics of the Crusades Supplement
  • SAR | Sartosa Supplement
  • SC | Sealed City Supplement
  • SYL | Sylvania Supplement
  • TC | Town Cryer Magazine
  • WEB | Fan Made From The Web

- Grade 1a (Official) -




Averlanders Human A02 | PDF
Beastmen Raiders Beastmen EIF | PDF
Carnival of Chaos Chaos Human/Demon EIF | PDF
Cult of the Possessed Chaos Human MHR | PDF
Dwarf Treasure Hunters Dwarf A02 | PDF
Kislevites Human A02 | PDF
Marienburgers Human MHR | PDF
Middenheimers Human MHR | PDF
Orc Mob Orcs & Goblins A02 | PDF
Ostlanders Human A02 | PDF
Reiklanders Human MHR | PDF
Sisters of Sigmar Human MHR | PDF
Skaven Skaven MHR | PDF
Undead Undead MHR | PDF
Witch Hunters Human MHR | PDF

- Grade 1b (Unofficial) -




Amazons (Lustria) Human TC15 | PDF
Amazons (Mordheim) Human TC23 | PDF
Arabian Tomb Raiders Human TC20 | PDF
Black Orcs Orcs & Goblins NC | PDF
Bretonnian Knights Human TC8 | PDF
Dark Elves Dark Elf TC12 | PDF
Dwarf Rangers Dwarf NC | PDF
Forest Goblins Goblin NC | PDF
Gunnery School of Nuln Human NC | PDF
Hochland Bandits Human NC | PDF
Horned Hunters Human NC | PDF
Imperial Outriders Human NC | PDF
Lizardmen Lizardmen TC11 | PDF
Miragleans Human TC14 | PDF
Mootlanders Halfling CJ36 | PDF
Norse Explorers Chaos Human TC13 | PDF
Ostermarkers Human FO19 | PDF
Outlaws of Stirwood Forest, The Human TC29 | PDF
Pirates Human TC9 | PDF
Pit Fighters All TC21 | PDF
Pit Fighters (old) All TC14 | PDF
Remasens Human TC14 | PDF
Skaven of Clan Pestilens Skaven TC29 | PDF
Shadow Warriors High Elf A02 | PDF
Tileans Human TC14 | PDF
Tomb Guardians Undead TC18 | PDF
Trantios Human TC14 | PDF

- Grade 1c (Experimental) -




Battle Monks of Cathay Human BTB | PDF
Black Dwarfs Chaos Dwarf BTB | PDF
Lustrian Reavers Human MFB | PDF
Maneaters Ogre BTB | PDF
Marauders of Chaos Chaos Human BTB | PDF
Merchant Caravans Human BTB | PDF
Night Goblins Night Goblin MIC | PDF
Night Goblins Night Goblin WEB | PDF
Norse Explorers Chaos Human BTB | PDF
Restless Dead, The Undead BTB | PDF
Sons Of Hashut Chaos Dwarf TRL | PDF

- Grade 2a (Reliable) -




Bretonnian Chapel Guard Human WEB | PDF
Dreamwalkers, Cult Of Morr Human MFB | PDF
Druchii Dark Elf MIC | PDF
Dwarf Slayer Cult Dwarf WEB | PDF
Grave Robbers Human SYL | PDF
Halflings Halfling MIC | PDF
Masters Of Horror Universal Monsters SYL | PDF
Necrarchs, the Soul Stealers Undead LOD1 | PDF
Ogre Hunting Party Ogre/Gnoblar WEB | PDF
Order Of The Mare Human WEB | PDF
Outlaws of Stirwood Forest, Redux Human MFB | PDF
Protectorate Of Sigmar Human LOD3 | PDF
Skaven of Clan Moulder Skaven WEB | PDF
Snotlings Snotling WEB | PDF
Sorcerous Society Human Wizard LOD4 | PDF
Survivors Of Strigos Vampire SYL | PDF
Wood Elves of Athel Loren Wood Elf WEB | PDF
Vampire Hunters of Sylvania Human LOD5 | PDF

- Grade 2b (Supplemental) -




Adventurers Human KAZ | PDF
Araby Smugglers Human SAR | PDF
Blood Dragons Vampire/Undead MOU | PDF
Bretonnian Brigands Human MOU | PDF
Bretonnian Buccaneers Human SAR | PDF
Bretonnian Knights-Errant Human MOU | PDF
Brood Of Ghurash, The Troll SC | PDF
Call of the Night Haint Wraith/Revenant MIM | PDF
Channel Rats Vampire MIM | PDF
Clan Angrund Dwarf KEP | PDF
Clockworkers Human SC | PDF
Crooked Moon Night Goblin KEP | PDF
Dark Elf Corsairs Dark Elf MOU | PDF
Disciples of Maldred Chaos Human MOU | PDF
Dwarf Guildsmen Dwarf KAZ | PDF
Dwarf Slayers Dwarf KAZ | PDF
Estalian Corsairs Human SAR | PDF
Fallen, The Undead REL | PDF
Fen Guard Dryad MIM | PDF
Forest Goblins Goblin LUS | PDF
Ghost Pirates Undead SAR | PDF
Ghutani Human REL | PDF
Guild of Disgraced Engineers Dwarf MIM | PDF
High Elves High Elf LUS | PDF
House Guard Human SC | PDF
Khorne Raiders Chaos Human SAR | PDF
Knights of the Bitter Moors Human MIM | PDF
Lizardmen Lizardmen LUS | PDF
Lords Of The Marsh Fimir MIM | PDF
Lost, The Human MOU | PDF
Lothern Sea Patrol High Elf SAR | PDF
Low Kings Human MIM | PDF
Metal Mongers Skaven MIM | PDF
Militiant Mootlanders Halfling MIM | PDF
Muzil Human REL | PDF
Necrarchs Undead MOU | PDF
Night Goblins Night Goblin KAZ | PDF
Orc Pirates & Savage Orcs Orcs & Goblins SAR | PDF
Pirates of the Cathayan Sea Human SAR | PDF
Sartosan Pirates Human SAR | PDF
Savage Orcs Orcs & Goblins KAZ | PDF
Sea Ghosts High Elf MIM | PDF
Shallows Beasts Human Mutant MIM | PDF
Silent Brotherhood Human SC | PDF
Skaven of Clan Mors Skaven KAZ | PDF
Skaven of Clan Pestilens Skaven LUS | PDF
Skaven of Clan Pestilens Skaven MOU | PDF
Skaven Of Clan Pristekk Skaven SC | PDF
Skaven of Clan Skryre Skaven KAZ | PDF
Skaven of Clan Skryre Skaven REL | PDF
Slavers Human REL | PDF
Slave Uprising All KEP | PDF
Slayer Pirates Dwarf SAR | PDF
Strigoi Vampire/Undead KAZ | PDF
Turjuk Human REL | PDF
Underworld Alliance Skaven/Goblin MIM | PDF
Wasteland Privateers Human SAR | PDF
Watchmen Human MIM | PDF
Wood Elves of Arden Wood Elf MOU | PDF
Woodsmen de Artois Human MOU | PDF

- Grade 3 (Draft) -




Albion Barbarians Human MIC | PDF
Altdorf Expeditionary Party Human Wizard WEB | PDF
Arabyan Nomads Human KHE | PDF
Arabyan Theives Human KHE | PDF
Assassin Squad, Knives From The Dark Skaven MIC | PDF
Circus Extraordinare Human MIC | PDF
Cursed Dwarves Dwarf KHE | PDF
Drowned Dead Undead MFB | PDF
Dwarf Grudgebearers Dwarf WEB | PDF
Dwarf Troll Slayers Dwarf ATH | PDF
Goblin Raiders Goblin WEB | PDF
Hobgoblins Goblin KHE | PDF
Hobgoblin Horde Goblin WEB | PDF
Lahmian Vampire/Undead KHE | PDF
Mages Human Wizard KHE | PDF
Mordheimer's Fanatics Human MIC | PDF
Necromancer Undead KHE | PDF
Nehekhara Tomb Guards Undead KHE | PDF
Ostermark Roadwardens Human MFB | PDF
Savage Orcs Orcs & Goblins ATH | PDF
Skaven of Clan Skryre Skaven ATH | PDF
The Innocents Human MFB | PDF
Tilean Thespian Troupe Human MFB | PDF
Wood Elf Scouts Wood Elf ATH | PDF
Wood Elves, The Asrai Way-farers Wood Elf MIC | PDF